For Our Families
Here you can find important information about the school including term dates, uniform information, day timings and much more. Click the menu below to find what you need.

School Day Timings
Our school day timings are five hour long lessons, break and lunch, with travel time in between periods. Students should arrive at school before 8:55.
JSTC Uniform and Equipment Agreement
John Spendluffe Technology College has high expectations and standards when it comes to uniform, our students take pride in their appearance. Our uniform policy helps both families and students make the right choice when it comes to appropriate attire. Students are expected to wear the correct uniform as shown in the uniform posters. The coloured stripe in the tie indicates which House the student belongs to. Blue is Enterprise, Red is Discovery and Green is for Endeavour. House competitions are a good way to get to know more students in the school, enjoy different activities and have fun.
Students are also expected to follow our dress code with respect to footwear and jewellery.
Students are also expected to come to school ready to learn with basic equipment e.g. pens, pencils, ruler, geometry set, calculator and any other items identified by (or for) specific subjects.

Good attendance is an essential element for good progress. Students are expected - nationally - to have a minimum attendance of 95% and the school works with families in a focused way to reach this standard if attendance falls below this level.
Dedicated inclusion and attendance staff led by a senior member of staff to work with families and where necessary, engage with external sources of advice and guidance, to ensure attendance levels are improved.
Parents are given advice on entry to JSTC with respect to the required attendance standards, the non-authorisation of family holidays in term time and the link between good attendance and their child's achievement.
An attendance report is sent home three times per year in addition to attendance information on the school academic reports to ensure parents are fully aware of their child's current attendance.